Friday Apr 4, 2025
10:00 AM - 1:30 PM CDT
Friday, 4/4
HSHS St. John's Hospital on the ImpactLife Donor Bus
800 East Carpenter St
ImpactLife 800-747-5401
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HSHS St. John's Hospital is hosting a Community Blood Drive on our ImpactLife Donor Bus at 800 East Carpenter Street on Friday, 4/4 from 10am-1:30pm. Appointments are requested-please schedule by calling ImpactLife at 800-747-5401. Can't make it this day? Stop by our Springfield Donor Center on Wabash anytime & credit HSHS on the sign in sheets.
All successful donors will receive their choice of either an egift card, bonus points to our online Rewards Store or choose to donate to charity!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce for more information.
501 E. Capitol Ave., Suite A, Springfield, IL 62701 – (217) 525-1173 –