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The Key to Retention: Recognition

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The Key to Retention: Recognition

Who doesn’t love hearing that they’re doing a good job at work? Recognition is about more than an ego boost—it impacts employee longevity, engagement, culture, and motivates performance. Ensuring your team feels seen and appreciated can influence their employee experience and increase productivity.

Research by Gallup and Workhuman found quality recognition led to less turnover. After tracking employee career paths from 2022 to 2024, employees who were well-recognized were “45% less likely to have turned over two years later.” Eighty-two percent of employed Americans say recognition makes them happier at work, according to a survey by SurveyMonkey and Bonusly.

The Right Recognition

Recognition is never one-size-fits-all. Personalize how you celebrate each employee to best suit their needs and preferences. Achievers shares seven types of recognition leaders can use to celebrate and motivate employees: 

An infographic showing seven types of employee recognition: formal, informal, social, monetary, recognizing milestones, structured, and team recognition.

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Engage Blog

Recognition or celebrations are among the top ways employees feel company culture, according to Quantum Workplace. Recognition can be praising an employee’s work during a team meeting, celebrating milestone accomplishments or anniversaries, or naming an employee of the month. Other great ways to reward employees include:

  • Award a bonus or gift card
  • Pass around a team trophy
  • Write a note of appreciation
  • Treat the individual or team to lunch
  • Give additional time off or an early release

Customization for the person you wish to recognize, and the team’s unique culture, is key. If team members aren’t big on celebrations, you may choose to opt for an individual or more private acknowledgment. If the team loves spending time together, lunch out or a fun outing may be more applicable.

This article courtesy of  Express Employment Professionals

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