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Ambassador Committee Member Spotlight - Brittany Clark

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Brittany Clark

Community Sourcing Strategist

Hospital Sisters Health System

(217) 492-2276

What products and services does your business offer?
HSHS is a non-profit multi-institutional health care system comprised of 15 hospitals, scores of community-based health centers, and clinics, and more than 13,000 colleagues across IL and WI.  HSHS provides high-quality, cost-effective, and compassionate health care for millions of people in Illinois and Wisconsin. Our health care ministry and network of physician partners are committed to our core values of Respect, Care, Competence, and Joy.
St. John's Hospital in Springfield is the region's leader in cardiac, pediatric, perinatal, cancer, stroke, emergency, surgery, and women's health, as well as rehabilitation and sports medicine. We are a level I trauma center and the only level II pediatric trauma center in the area. St. John's is prepared to provide the highest level of care for patients of all ages at a moment's notice.
What is one thing you’d like for people to know about your business?
HSHS empowers their employees to care for all who need assistance, regardless of means. To provide quality, patient-centered, holistic care—and build caring relationships. And is a place where you can work with other professionals who care just as much about you - and your success- as they do about the well-being of each patient.
We are patient-inspired, selfless, state-of-the-art, and devoted to providing exceptional care for all. We are committed to serving our mission by providing our employees with the resources they need to learn, grow, and reach their potential.
The Ambassadors are The Chamber's membership committee. Committee members work to increase awareness of Chamber activities and programs to potential and current members. Ambassadors also serve as Chamber representatives at events such as ribbon cuttings, Chamber on Tap, and Coffee & Connections. If interested in learning more about how to become an Ambassador, contact David Earhart at or (217) 525-1173 ext. 215.

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