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Ambassador Committee Member Spotlight-Michelle Pulce-Flynn

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Michelle Pulce-Flynn
Director, Grant Development
Lincoln Land Community College
(217) 786-2446

What products and services does your business offer?
LLCC offers affordable education whether earning a two year associate degree and transferring to a four year institution or completing a program that allows student to enter directly into the workforce.
LLCC also offers multiple certificate programs that in most cases are stackable, which means a person can earn a certificate, go back to work, and come back and earn another certificate that builds upon the previous certificate increasing earning potential.
Student Success Coaches help students navigate the campus environment--what resources are available on campus for academic support and other needs, as well as resources available in the community.
Career Services provide tools to help students identify careers that align with their interests and skills.  Work-based learning--All Associate Programs have some type of work-based learning whether clinicals for health professions, internships, or externships.
College NOW--high school students can take college credit courses on campus or online.  We also offer dual credit courses where high school teachers with the required education can teach LLCC curriculum.
What is one thing you'd like for people to know about your business?
LLCC offers an affordable path to achieve one's academic/career goals.  Outside of financial aid, we offer multiple scholarships through the LLCC Foundation.
The Ambassadors are The Chamber's membership committee. Committee members work to increase awareness of Chamber activities and programs to potential and current members. Ambassadors also serve as Chamber representatives at events such as ribbon cuttings, Chamber on Tap, and Coffee & Connections. If interested in learning more about how to become an Ambassador, contact David Earhart at or (217) 525-1173 ext. 215.


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